
Showing posts from December 19, 2004


Well, I finally got some recognition at the office for one of my more interesting talents. I have been working on the project for the better part of 2 years, one with ENA and the second with the company I am working at now. Some of my other posts have indicated how minor miracles have occured in the coding. Well the last two rush projects that have taken time away from the main tasks have earned me a new title. I am now, drum roll please.... The Lead Rabbit Puller (LRP for short). Because I seem to be able to pull a rabbit out of my ... well ... hat when we need a fast solution to a major problem. So when I finished the second project I coined the acronym YARP. (Yet Another Rabbit Pulled) It stuck and I got the title. All and all it was a good break in the crush of year end programming. More later....